Personality describes a complicated combination of characteristics and behaviors, including dominant traits, interests, drives, values, and emotional patterns (American Psychological Association, n.d.). This combination forms an individual’s distinctive character. Some people are outgoing and extroverted, while others are introverted and private. Some ordinarily outgoing people may become private and reserved depending on the setting. Personality helps determine behavior and, in turn, is a valuable factor when describing people’s roles in experience design scenes.

Researching Personality

Understanding a person’s personality behaviors suggests how they will behave when using a design outcome. It can also help designers know what style a design outcome should take so it can be relatable with people in different situations who possess different personality traits.

Questions to Ask

  • What is this person’s general disposition?
  • How does this person act when they are alone with one familiar person?
  • How does this person act when they are in a group of strangers?

Look For

  • Tone of voice
  • Body language like hugs or formal handshakes
  • Ways a person interacts with others who are familiar and who are strangers
  • Tendencies to be helpful or avoid interaction
  • Acting anxious or angry



Updated: June 22, 2024 11:16 am
person with bag over head and grapefruits for eyes
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