A person’s physical size can be an important factor of experience when considering how to design outcomes involving physical interaction. A person’s physical size can prevent them from walking through doorways without ducking. The size of their fingers can make it frustrating to press buttons on screen-based displays. In some cultures and during different historical periods, “small” or “large” physical size has been both favorably and unfavorably viewed by society. A person’s physical can change over time due to various circumstances.

Researching Body Size

Knowing a person’s size can help researchers create objects that work in harmony with users’ physical makeup. A person’s physical size can impact their access to resources and how much ease they experience when completing basic tasks. A person whose shoe size is larger than a US 15 can have a very hard time finding shoes; they have access to fewer brands and styles, and shoes typically cost more than ”typical” sizes.

Questions to Ask

  • What are this person’s physical dimensions?
  • How is a person’s size regarded in the context being studied?
  • In what ways does the person’s physical size cause problems when they use products, services, and systems?

Look For

  • A person struggling to use something.
  • A person who brags about their size.
  • A person who actively works to alter their size.



Updated: June 24, 2024 12:18 am
a woman who is pregnant
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