All photos are credited to their respective sources and were used with permission. Almost all are royalty-free stock photography from


The display serif typeface used for this site is Sagona, designed by René Bieder. Libre Franklin, by Impallari Type, is the sans serif typeface.


All photographs and images were created by site authors or are royalty-free or generative AI images credited to their creators.

Design and Development

Dennis Cheatham designed, developed, and lovingly coded Design Workbench. Typography for reading has been set at a contrast level and size to assist in reading long articles.

Interaction and Whiz-Bang

This site comprises a heap of scripts, plugins, and code developed by programmers and designers. If you have a question about how I did something, please ask.

Content Management System

WordPress proudly powers Design Workbench.


DreamHost has hosted Design Workbench from the very start.

Dennis Cheatham

Associate Professor, Communication Design

Miami University

Updated: May 12, 2024 11:25 am
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